Good Slaves Buy Gifts

I am making this video for only one reason- so the rest of you idiots can see what happens for GOOD slaves. These gifts were sent by slaves that actually did what they were told. They joined MyamiMeanGirls dot com or AmericanMeanGirls dot com AND sent me gifts when commanded to. So guess what? They get to talk to me DIRECTLY via email. (For those of you who write in to me and dont get any response- now you know why LOL. Join the sites, idiot!) They also got special videos sent to them (NOT this generic one) so they can jerk off over and over to me talking directly to THEM and laughing in their face for buying my presents and calling them a little bitch haha.

I have to admit, its so awesome getting presents in the mail from people that you literally dont even care about and totally treat like sh*t lol. It almost makes talking to losers like you worth while almost. and these gifts might even make me happy for a day or so- and then of course my insatiable appetite for MORE stuff will continue. But its up to losers like you to keep buying me more, more and MORE expensive things to keep me happy!! I mean you will still be just a bitch for me to....

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