Princess Hannah

Hi I'm Princess Hannah. I'm totally new to this but I LOVE it! I think its great that some men know they were meant to serve women! (And that its perfectly ok for us to treat them like trash because we're pretty! LOL)
My fave thing so far is kicking losers in the nuts as hard as I want. And I love that they like literally have to THANK us for it! Princess Amber makes all the house slave do that and I think that's hilarious. It like never gets old. I get to just kick some old loser in the nuts whenever I feel like it and it has to not only LET me, but it has THANK me for it! HAHA
Setting up my wishlist now for you losers to spoil me...HERE YA GO!! - get to it, you freaks! --> MY WISHLIST!
By the way, don't forget to include a gift-note and your AG username or email address so I know which loser its from!!!