Goddess Venus is still "new" around here, but is REALLY catching on FAST! She delivers MONSTROUS kicks to the balls and is SO cruel with her insults and cutting remarks to the house slaves! She DESTROYS their egos AND their balls! So she sort of "gives pointers and demos" for Princess Hannah to pick up on... Princess Amber looks on and admires how these new Mean Girls are growing into understanding their true SUPERIORITY. Princess Amber makes the slave lay down on its back and "spread your legs, loser".
She then begins sloooowly twisting her heel into its exposed groin while hurling insult after insult at the freak at her feet...("Whats it like being dateless and sexless LOSER your whole pathetic life, while girls like us a BFs and millions of men literally BEGGING for us all day long, huh loser??")...soon all the girls are grinding their heel into its groin at the same time and taking turns insulting it to see who can "hurt it the most" with the best insult...even Mia gets in from behind the camera!!
- Goddess Draya
Miss Lexi Chase and Goddess Venus want to use the SAME slave at the SAME time! They both wanna be the keyholder so that they are COMPLETELY in charge of this loser. Lexi comes barging in looking for the chastity key for mudd. She sees that Goddess Venus is wearing a key tries to YANK IT off of her! Goddess Venus is NOT happy! She is using the slave this month so Lexi can’t just take it.
Lexi complains and says that she needs to hold his key this week because its a DOUBLE rinse month and she has an expensive vacation coming up that needs COMPLETE FUNDING! The girls argue and it get annoyed with each other. Princess Mia is there and breaks up the fight and says that they can come to agreement in a civil manner.
Princess Mia tells Venus and Lexi to ball bust the slave and whoever “breaks” it will get to hold its key and use it this month. Miss Lexi Chase and Goddess Venus agree to these terms and begin to hash it out on this beta’s balls! Despite which goddess gets this beta's keys.... there is only ONE loser here & its rolling on the ground in agony lol
Princess Skylar and Goddess Reign play a game of Ball, Trample, Scissor. Its basically like Rock Paper Scissors, except the winner gets to choose what punishment the beta gets! Both girls wanna do something different to torment a loser, but at the end of the day at least it is getting beat no matter what. Princess Mia talks from behind the camera to help the girls keep track of their scores! Goddess Reign wins the game and ultimately chooses ball busting. She really wants to get in some more practice she she can destroy a betas balls in one kick hahaha.
The girls are feeling EXTRA mean today and don’t give this loser ANY rest in between their kicks. The slave repeatedly drops to the ground as it yells in agony! Its entire dick and balls gets red and SWOLLEN!!!! Its funny how difficult this game is for the slave… its trying hard to take pain for the Mean Girls, but they are really DAMAGING its balls hahahahah. Eventually when this loser cannot even stand up anymore to take their kicks, they roll it onto its back and deliver some NASTY ball stomps! Princess Skylar gets bored and demands that they play again so she can choose trampling if she wins! Princess Skylar and Goddess Reign are gonna get this loser good!
- Princess Amber
Goddess Draya was in a ball busting mood, and since she hadn’t kicked this losers balls before she wanted to leave her mark on it! It’s so funny how big this loser is and how tiny Goddess Draya is. Like she is LITERALLY dropping this beta to its knees after delivering devastating blows to its balls hahahahahaha.
Princess Mia laughs from behind the camera and taunts the loser while it gets kicked. Ohhhhh, and when Princess Amber sees how much fun Goddess Draya is having, she just cannot help but to get a few kicks of her own in. The slave has taken PLENTY of kicks from Amber, so it knows they are SUPER accurate and INCREDIBLY painful! They even give this loser a “safe word”
All it has to say is “HARDER, PLEASE” and the Mean Girls will know that it cannot take anymore.. oh wait, The Mean Girls don’t use safe words. Looks like this loser is TOTALLY FUCKED! Hahahahah This tall dummy is no match for a hot Mean Girl, let alone TWO!!!
- Goddess Venus
If you didn’t know this already… Goddess Draya tends to hold grudges. And when a beta who supposedly is OBSESSED with her, pronounces her name INCORRECTLY, you can see why she might take it personal. Goddess Draya truly is a natural born Mean Girl so she doesn’t need a reason to torment and inflict pain on losers…. But unfortunately for this dummy, it gave her a reason. Wearing her skimpy red bikini and matching red boots, Goddess Dray REALLY lays into this loser!
She explains that she is going to kick this beta’s balls everyday for an entire YEAR!!!!!! (Like she’s not even kidding!) And that year starts TODAY! (Or maybe AFTER today hahahahahah) Goddess Draya kicks this loser repeatedly, bringing it to its knees. As if it’s not already humiliating enough to mispronounce the name of your goddess…. But now she’s DESTROYING you balls and your slave confidence too! HAHAHAHAHAH You won’t wanna miss Goddess Draya kicking the life outta this loser! “NO BREAKS”
- Princess Amber
One of our slaves has just been left outside for the past day or two, waiting to be used for whatever we want. We call this slave "no nutz" because we want to use it for our ballbusting clips until its testicles are literally DESTROYED. But unfortunately, this thing still has testicles!!! We decide we NEED to change that!! I walk up to it and tilt its head up with the tip of my finger and look directly into its eyes "you DO want to sacrifice your nuts for our entertainment and profit, DON'T you, loser??"
I explain to it how much MONEY it will make for US when its balls are literally DESTROYED on camera for us! (Princess Mia is encouraging me from behind the camera... she LOVES filming worthless males' nuts being DESTROYED!) Mia even says she is gonna get some good SUPER close-up shots of it so we can all watch it's testicle destruction in slo-mo on Mean Girl Movie Night at Mean Girl Manor! ALL the Mean Girls are excited! We explain to the loser how WORTHLESS it is, and how THIS sacrifice of its "sac" will give its life some meaning. We all take turns literally getting a running start and trying to DESTROY this loser's testicles!
Each Mean Girl runs up and kicks HARDER than the last! We have to keep pulling the slave back up by its leash and repositioning it to "take MORE for Us!!!" Our hope and goal is to literally smash them up into the slave's stomach so we can film the results... that its nutz are GONE! And this slave will receive its "glory" from such a "sac"-rifice for its Superiors pleasure and profit!
Watch the video to see if we accomplish our goal! Do you want to come to Mean Girl Manor to sacrifice your nuts for the highest glory a slave can receive?? Then go fill out Our Slave Application, loser!!!
- Princess Amber
Amber, Venus and Reign are all hanging out again trying to think of some more fun things to do! Princess Amber asks Goddess Reign if she has tried ball busting yet (WHICH SHE HAD NEVER!) Goddess Venus gets super excited because she LOVES ballbusting! Ever since she kicked her first set of balls last month, she just cannot get enough (and who could blame her! Lol) Princess Amber decides to use Goddess Venus’s chair for Reign to kick!
Amber and Venus demonstrate on this old loser how to kick losers balls! It’s honestly not as easy as it looks… like you gotta have good aim because you REALY want it to CRUSH and HURT the slave’s balls lol. Then you also have to make sure you kick it in the right place (so like you don’t accidentally hurt yourself and like chip a toenail or something tragic!) Goddess Reign is eager to do a good job so that she can make content kicking beta’s balls and sell it for lots of money! Princess Amber and Goddess Venus laugh every time the slave gets knocked down & encourage Reign to kick harder every time! LOL.
Even Princess Amber couldn’t help herself and get some kicks in too! (She just so happened to be wearing some very spiky red bottoms, oops!) Watch these girls really pile on the pain as they get caught up in the thrill of breaking this old losers balls! Hahahahaha
- Miss Lexi Chase
Princess Hannah and Goddess Reign are the two newest Mean Girls in the Manor, but it honestly feels like they’ve been here forever! Since I really enjoy a good competition between two Mean Girls, I thought it would be fun for them to have a ball busting competition!!! Goddess Reign and Princess Hannah have only kicked like a handful of slaves since coming to the manor, so like they could totally take this opportunity to work on their power kicks!
Each Mean Girls takes a turn to drop this beta to the ground. I’m running camera and judging the competition! (It’s so hard for me NOT to jump in and crush this beta’s balls, but I’ve basically perfected my kicks already and it wouldn’t be nice to break their toy before they get to play with it! Haha) Its honestly so much fun watching Reign and Hannah kick this loser back and fourth, kicking it as HARD as they can… and when they mess up, they just get a do over and kick it AGAIN!
Despite this being a competition, I encourage Princess Hannah and Goddess Reign to “just have fun!”, because at the end of the day that’s what it’s really about. Hot pretty girls having fun and making money off beta males! Okay but I did NOT think these girls were gonna kick as HARD as they did! Hahahahaha they TOTALLY broke this loser !
- Princess Amber
Goddess Venus is quick to learn the manipulative ways of a hot mean girl and has married some beta for his money. Obviously this loser doesn't get ANYTHING from Venus and has taken up golfing as a way to distract himself from her sexual desires. Today happened to be their Anniversary (which is code for EXSPENSIVE gifts for Venus).
This loser was too busy "golfing" that it didnt' end up getting her anything and thinks it can "make it up to her" with sex. EWWWWW!!!!! Furious, Goddess Venus decides to "go along" with this cherade and make her idiot husband believe that he will ACTUALLY get lucky LOL. Little does this beta know its about to get its balls kicked, LITERALLY.
Goddess Venus does NOT hold back and assaults her cuckold husband physically AND verebally! Talk about a real blow to its "manhood" if you can even call it that HAHAHAHAHAHA.
- Princess Amber
Princess Amber and Princess Skylar are chatting with Princess Mia ( who happens to be running camera) about their future vacation plans. The Mean Girls LOVE going on vacations, especially somewhere warm where they get to splurge on bikinis with their beta's credit cards. Princess Mia said she was going on a sub funded vacation and that her slave could afford to pay for ONE more girl.
Princess Amber and Princess Skylar BOTH wanna go on this vacation (obviously!) and therefore argue over who should get to go! Princess Mia comes up with an idea to help choose who gets to go with her on this sub funded vaction that would involve a fun competition between Amber and Skylar. Princess Mia calls in some losers to help settle the dilema. One slave is tied up and handcuffed so it CANNOT move.
The two other betas get handcuffed to the legs of the restrained beta to hold its legs open, leaving its beta dick and balls vulnerable. Princess Mia explains that the girls must take turns stomping, kicking and punching its cock and balls. The girl who breaks the beta gets to go on vacation with Mia (seems fair enough!) Things seem to go smoothly at firs, Princess Amber and Princess Skylar "play nice" and take turns inflicting pain on the slave.
The more the slave screams in pain, the more the other girl wants to go again (so not to lose! LOL) Eventually Princess Amber and Princess Skylar get a little too competitive and start beating on this loser NONSTOP! They are sooooo wrapped up in "breaking" it that they competely ignore Princess Mia telling them the winner has been chosen!!!!! You WONT wanna miss finding out who the WINNER is!!!!! hahahahahahah