So this slave came to the Manor to serve us but is not taking well to his training and still has a very macho attitude. We find it hard to believe he actually wants to be a slave here, but he says he does, so its our job to beat him into complete surrender. Goddess Harley and I are going to break him of his stupid "alpha arrogance" that so many of you seem to suffer from and make him into the woman-serving bitch he needs to be in order to survive around here. Every time he does something "alpha" - even in the slightest - we are going to whip the FUCK out of him. And believe it or not, in less than two minutes this loser is totally broken and literally begging us to stop- but we are just getting started! :) Breaking him is only one item on our agenda today.

We also want to punish him for his male arrogance and defiant attitude by whipping him far beyond his limits. (And to make a great-selling clip to rocket up into the Top 50 list for us! LOL) So the whipping continues and he eventually does something that we are sure he hasnt done since he was a - hecries like a little bitch! And just to rub it in a little more we make him kiss our feet and pledge himself to our service and admit out loud that he will never think of himself as being a man again

True story- this slave bragged before coming to the Manor via email about how tough he was, how much pain he can take, how we would never be able to break him blah blah blahand his ass was literally begging for mercy at our feet within MINUTES LOL. There is no acting here. This slave really is macho in real life and was totally broken for real like only halfway through the clip and was BEGGING us off camera to stop beating and filming him. So we made a deal with him- we would stop beating him and end the clip ONLY if he groveled at our feet, begged for mercy, and openly stated that he wasnt a man. And after a few more whipcracks he totally did. Anybody else want an attitude adjustment?

Princess Carmela

EDITING SLAVES NOTE: Clip includes bonus footage at end of Princess Carmela and Goddess Harley laughing and showing off the damage they did to the slave, taking pictures of it, etc. They also issue a challenge directly to viewers.

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I let my two new friends play with my slave and he is under strict orders to be a good pain slut for them even though I am out shopping. Tia and Ariana are new to whipping so they might not know how to stop when he would like, haha! I knew this would be a disaser for the slave but I was laughing as I was shopping. I knew when I got back I would hear all about how the slave quit and was taken way beyond his pain threshold, haha! I basically made the slave to kneel there and take it while 2 valley girls whipped him and laughed at him until broken. This slave came in from out of town to see me and this is how I treat human garbage, haha! I let my friends beat you when I'm done with you and need to go shopping!

-Princess Beverly

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This new piece of slave-meat needs to be tenderized. :) (It is his first trip to Mean Girl Manor!) And he doesn't want to be whipped but he said in his email to us that he "wanted to suffer" for us as much as possible HOWEVER we wanted- and me n Bella were happy to oblige! We decided to use him to "practice our whipping" because we have heard that some of the slaves don't think we are as "brutal" as Cindi, Empress Jenn and Carmela, so the slaves don't fear us as much. Well, we WANT slaves to quiver with fear when WE walk down the halls of Mean Girl Manor too!

So this slave has to take our whips- and boy does he SCREAM! LOL! And yeah, we totally BREAK him by the end of this clip as we are BOTH whipping him at the same time! (And laughing our ASSES off at his suffering while we do it btw! LOL!) He starts like literally BEGGING us for "mercy" through his penis-gag toward the end! (Of course we couldn't even hear it for awhile over the cracks of the whips and our own laughter!)

We were actually surprised he broke so easily. Especially when he was allowed to look at how beautiful we are while he was being whipped by the other girl! We even let it kiss the bottom of our shoes as "motivation" while it was being whipped...wasn't that nice of us??

-Princess Beverly

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This is one of our favorite, most obedient slaves. It comes whenever it is called, basically does whatever it is told, and is very eager to please. (It's primarily Bella's bitch, but she lets all of us use it.) The funny thing is, this bitch has never been whipped! So me and Harley decide to REALLY test it's obedience and devotion- by BEATING it with paddles, whips, and whatever else we can get our hands on LOL. He actually takes it pretty well...until we get to the single-tails...then he crumbles at our feet with each crack of the whip. :)

And we totally leave him all marked up- he will be remembering US for days afterward...we even left some "lettering" on his ass to remind him of us! So who do you think did the most damage to the slave anyway? Amazon Goddess Harley, or little ol' ME?? Hmmm??? You'll just need to watch the video to find out, slave! Although I WILL tell you that the poor slave was in absolute AGONY at certain points of this clip...LOL.

Oh! And I almost forgot! There is some bonus footage at the end of the clip because my friend Jordan came to Mean girl Manor to "watch me do my thing" to these pathetic slaves. (I tell her about it all the time and she thinks its AWESOME haha.) So she had to come see for herself. Anyways, she is behind the camera, watching and laughing for most of the clip, but at the end I ask her to come out and take a few cracks on the slave's back for herself so she can see how it feels to be able to cause PAIN to another person with like NO repercussions whatsoever and they even have to THANK you for it! LOL. She fuckin LOVED it! She is just decked out in her casual chuck taylors or whatever. just chillin and beating on some of our slaves while we all laugh our asses off at its suffering haha.

-Princess Cindi

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This dumb principal gets the honor of being punished by super-hot school girls in uniform. First we break out the whips until he collapses, haha! We taunt him about how we are going to bring the glee club in and witness his humiliation. Then we break out the paddles! Well, one of these paddle is kind of thin to be called a paddle, LOL! He felt like such an inferior pathetic worm. He got his ass paddled by hot girls in high heels until he goes down! We ended up tying him up and leaving there all night and left him there with that red paddled ass!

-Princess Chanel and Princess Ashley

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So sometimes these slaves are so fucked up and abused that they actually start to ENJOY it. Like, we think that maybe it is just the only attention they could ever get from a woman because they are such a LOSER, so they like subconsciously just start to actually LIKE it. (???) Especially when the abuse is coming from girls that are like SO much hotter than they could ever get in like a million fucking years.

And that's the problem with this slave. He is fucking smiling because he is just so happy to be allowed in the same fucking room as us!! (And ya, we DO know we are that fucking hot- so it doesn't really surprise us that much I guess.) But no doubt me and Ashley need to wipe that stupid smile off his face or else our "rep" around here is not gonna be good... So the basic plan is just to whip him so hard that he can't help but lose that stupid smile. Even Princess Beverly takes a break from directing the clip to come in for a minute from behind the camera to whip him extra hard for us! LOL! (You are the best Princess Beverly! We love you!) :)

Princess Chanel

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I asked Goddess raven what she thought of this slave and she said he was a Bad Bad Boy. And there is nothing that bad bad boys deserve more than spankings! More specifically he is getting paddled, LOL! I wonder how red we can make his loser ass. It's actually therapeutic beating a slave like this and actually a turn on when we make him thank us and beg for more, LOL! It's so wrong but is so hot! It's a sexy mind fuck when we make the slave look into our eyes and forget the pain being inflicted on his paddled ass. I look him right in the eyes and make him thank me as he took hard spanks from Goddess Raven. he just stares at my porn star tittles and take the pain a I call him pathetic. Oh and then Raven takes her turn with the kissy face taunts. I finally get to dig my heel into his back as I paddle his ass extra hard because Raven is down in the slaves face making him mesmerized by flirty kisses for a pathetic slave. This is what bad little boys get! They get a grand finale where two sadistic latex barbies beat him rapid fire until he collapses.

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This slave wrote in to me directly on my personal email and literally BEGGED to be locked up in chastity by me when he traveled into town on business. So I made him prove himself by sending me a $200 amazon GC and a few gifts from my wishlist- which he DID. (All you losers that write in to me and the other girls with stupid, empty promises and endless excuses- take a note.) He also promised to bring me $1000 just to worship at my feet and spend the night locked in the cage at Mean Girl Manor LOL.

Well, he was LATE getting here! So after I locked up his TINY little cock in a chastity device, I dragged his ass into the Throne Room and WHIPPED him until he was almost crying LOL. (Do you think I CARE about the airline's problems with on-time flights?? Um...NO.) And as a slave, he needed to learn that slaves get BEATEN regularly around here- whether it is "their fault" or not. But he suffered for me, which made me happy. And he also brought me extra money! :) ($1,100!!) So I made him count it out at my feet- like a good little bitch. Not sure what was my favorite part? (Beating him, or taking all his money...? LOL.) And I kept reminding him that if he didn't take everything I dish out for my amusement, that I would LEAVE him in chastity when I send him out to the airport in the morning! Have fun explaining to the TSA officer why your cock is locked up with a padlock when the metal detector goes off, loser! Not my problem...lol.

Do you wanna come here to Mean Girl Manor and spend the night in the cage? Just let me know! But you're gonna have to PAY me, bitch! Just like this loser did. Oh, and just for the record, after I got done beating him, I let him have the privilege of rubbing my feet while I watched a movie. (off-camera, so that is not part of the video.) He also begged like a dawgg to $erve me in real life...haha. We will see... ;)

-Princess Beverly

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Hey big daddy, can you take it??? All our whipping? Well, you wanted it... You got it! And by two hot pornstars in latex outfits, Yum! I know I think Goddess Raven is looking good enough to eat and the fact that she is really enjoyng hurting a slave is turning me on even more!

Let's see if I can identify which of his nasty little body parts you are hittting just by the sounds of his flesh and the screams! LOL! He deserves to be ingored by me for a bit and I actually think I look cute in close up while Goddess Raven beats the slave repeatedly back there! But then we swich it up and I get my turn whipping this "so called" Big Daddy". He's more like my little bitch by the way he crumbles and quits at the end!

If you like the Ignore or added Humiliation and Glamor Close Ups of this clip, make sure you email us and request Custom Videos like this!

-Goddess Nina Elle

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This was my first time whipping a slave! OMFG. My friend, Princess Cindi, showed me how there really are losers out there that like REALIZE that their purpose in life is to like literally suffer for our amusement- and we can literally whip the sh*tt out of them just cuz we feel like it! Not to mention we can make MONEY from this??!?? Sure as hell beats my stupid waitress job! LOL. And Princess Cindi explained to me that these PATHETIC "slaves" even feel lucky just to be BEATEN by us. At first I felt kinda bad for the slave, but then I just thought "OMG how embarrassing that this LOSER actually enjoys being treated like this? haha!! Because I guess he obviously realizes how lucky he is just to be around girls like us- even if we are treating him like total crapp and abusing the fuck out of him! LOL. So after I came to the conclusion that this weirdo needed to know his place in the world (underneath my WHIP and groveling at our feet, that is!) I took no mercy. I painted his back COMPLETELY RED and bruised that loser up with the marks from MY whip. I mean I was hitting him HARD! Hearing him cry and scream actually made me feel like a REAL PRINCESS for some reason? It is something about knowing how much they are suffering for you...just like Princess Cindi had been telling me about. I can definitely get use to this!! Which one of you weirdos is next?? LOL! We think it's hilarious to make you suffer for us just cuz we're both super hot. :)

Princess Chanel

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