Princess Amber thinks it is time to teach Goddess Reign about chastity. There comes a time in every Mean Girls life when they need to have this talk before becoming a key holder. Goddess Reign has been curious about these tiny little cages that the Mean Girls keep on their slaves ALL THE TIME, so Princess Amber decides to teach Reign a valuable lesson on chastity. Princess Amber uses one of the new house betas for demonstration purposes so Reign can get a close up of a chastity cage.
Amber explains all the important details of chastity…. What is is, what it does, and why it’s SO IMPORTANT! Princess Amber makes it clear that Keyholding is a big responsibility. The more keys you have, the easier it is to lose track of them. “Chastity is the PERFECT tool for girls to feel safe AND use betas at the same time!” Princess Amber tells Goddess Reign how desperate a beta gets when it’s been locked up for a LONG time!
Reign asks if it hurts the betas to be in chastity for so long LOL. Princess Amber even takes the slaves chastity off so she can see what a shrunken dick looks like (EW! HAHAHAHA). Goddess Reign cannot wait to be a key holder so she can manipulate and use like the other Mean Girls !
- Princess Alexandria
Princess Alex is new to The Mean Girl Manor! So on this day Princess Amber and Princess Skylar we're being welcoming hosts - hanging out snacking, being super fucking hot (per usual) and getting to know her a little bit better.
Princess Alex is super excited when she hears about alllllll of the fun things we have planned for her during her stay with us. She LOVES hearing that she'll be able to humiliate all of our slaves and do whatever she pleases with them, just like we do every day!
There are plentyyyy of losers lurking around here at The Mean Girl Manor to go around and she's rest assured that none of them are able to do so much as BREATH without our permission - and not without hers now too!
- Princess Mia
Goddess Venus is walking barefoot outside with one of the house betas on a leash, dragging it behind her as we gets some fresh air. After a couple of laps around the yard, Goddess Venus realizes that her feet are FILTHY!!!!!! Ughhhhh.
Not to worry though, thats one of the many useful tasks a slave is good for, cleaning our DIRTY FEET! Normal alpha males would find this repulsive... but to a BETA male, dirty feet are a TREAT for them!
- Princess Amber
Why New Slaves Suck:
So we hold "new slave tryouts" here at Mean Girl Manor fairly regularly. The problem is, new slaves almost ALWAYS suck. They make all these "promises", ask like a million questions, and then IF they show up...they take like 1 kick in the balls and quit. It is like a total waste of My time. That is why we have such a stringent "slave application process" to even get a tryout to serve Us.
You need to join Our American Mean Girls members site, fill out the slave application form, send a picture of your ID, send a deposit to prove you're serious, send proof of travel, yadda yadda yadda... You also need to be USEFUL to Us in some way! Like, will you take as much PAIN as we want to dish out to you? Can you at least film without some stupid mask on?? Or do you think you will just kneel there like a log while we spit onto your stupid mask?? (Like seriously, how the F do some of you think that makes for a good video???)
But to be honest, even after all THAT process and screening, most of them still suck! THIS is one such "slave". It did all of the above- although it "wasn't sure" how much pain it could take, and was "hesitant" about going without a mask. (Ugh...SO annoying!!) But it did everything I demanded and was a paying member of American Mean Girls, so...I decided to give it a chance to grovel at Our feet, and serve Us by suffering at Our feet. I knew things were going to be bad when it ANNOYED Me by texting me constantly and asking like a million questions as it drove in from another state the night before its tryout... And sure enough, I was right.
I had Princess Skylar with me (looking hot AF btw!) to help me beat this loser and test its limits, as it insisted on keeping its stupid mask on. (Again, for like the millionth time- we do NOT need more "masked foot slaves" and we cannot "humiliate" you with a stupid MASK on!! If you want to wear a mask in Our videos, you will need to take PAIN PAIN PAIN!!!) So this is the complete video of Us "welcoming" this pathetic new loser to Mean Girl Manor, taking it up to Our Mean Girl Throne Room, interviewing it, mocking it to its face, and putting it through its tryout. WATCH THE VIDEO TO SEE A REAL-LIFE SLAVE TRYOUT WITH THE AMERICAN MEAN GIRLS.
Spoiler Alert- it does not do well and ends up getting kicked out of MGM. Think you can do better? Go join American Mean Girls members site and fill out the Slave Application, loser. We'll see.
- Princess Amber
The Mean Girls are having fun kicking their beta in the balls for profit. Four girls means FOUR TIMES the kicks! The girls take turns busting the slaves balls while Princess Amber holds the slave. (Amber knows the slave won’t last long once she starts kicking lol) Ugly Betty is locked in her cage and watching the girls kick this slave in envy.
Princess Amber hears ugly Betty start mumbling nonsense in her cage and walks over to her cage. Betty starts making dumb remarks so Princess Amber obviously tells her to shut up before dragging her out of the cage to do some “chores”. Since Goddess Reign has a bad case of ball busting foot, the girls decide to make ugly Betty her designated kicked. Apparently Betty takes lots of self defense classes so she manages to knock the slave down.
The girls think it’s funny to have (slave) Betty kick another slave in the balls. There’s like a hiarchy in the slave realm (beta males are the lowest, and female slaves are one step higher) The Mean Girls take full advantage of Betty and use her to further break down this beta.
- Goddess Draya
Loser begs Goddess Venus for tips on how he can someday date a girl as beautiful as Her. Girl explains to loser that it is a BETA. And SHE is BEAUTIFUL. And this will NOT have a "happy ending" for him. That is only in the movies lol. It will ALWAYS be a loser, and the best it can hope for is to be USED by her- in any way she wishes. Or else she will easily replace it with some other stupid beta begging for her is just the way the world works now.
Every hot girl has an Alpha that she dates/fucks and a small group of "betas" (either IRL or online like on her OF or something) that serve her, pay her, and basically worship her. And that is their ROLE and they need to accept it! Goddess Venus then instructs the beta to do "mantras" to reinforce its lowly place on the "social totem pole". She commands it to bow down and kiss her feet and repeat after her, cementing into its beta brain how BENEATH her it is.
"I am a loser and no hot girl will ever want me. All I am good for is being used. But as long as I am useful a hot girl might keep me around." She pulls his chin up, looks like in the eye, SPITS in his face to remind him how inferior he is, and makes him THANK her for it. (Betas need to THANK hot girls for EVERYTHING- even abuse!) She tells the loser beta that "it is learning" and getting better. Eventually, once it is completely brainwashed and trained, she may even sell it off to a GF of hers. Her friend has been saying that her and her BF would love to have a "mindless cuck beta loser" to use as a servant for them as a couple...
Amber introduces her oldest slave to goddess reign. Reign is DISGUSTED by it. She laughs and says it reminds her of a grandpa, and she HATES old people. They are so useless and they are constantly shaking for no fucking reason. Ew!
Reign asks why it isn’t living in a “home” for old losers, Princess Amber explains that it costs money and so instead they “put up with it” and took out a HUGE life insurance policy. So like when it dies, we will get a nice big paycheck. . This old loser happened to be in its cage when Goddess Reign was around so I figured I could introduce it to her to see if it could be of any use. Goddess Reign is immediately repulsed by its gross old body (and obviously I dont blame her) hahaha Its really hard to be around a loser that is SO OLD and so gross. This idiot is so old that it ACTUALLY started to loser control over its bladder and now has to wear a freaking diaper!!!!
Like how fcking stupid is this thing???? I guess once they go into diapers, its basically the end of the road for it... which is totally fine, once less mouth to feed our left over foot dust and used condoms to lol. Goddess Reign sees that this thing has my name tattooed onto its ass and she CAN’T BELIEVE a loser let me treat it like a THING. The thought of having a beta do this for her is exciting and only motivates her to collect as many betas as she can. In this clip, the old loser is made to worship Reign’s perfect pedicure. It’s funny how much younger Goddess Reign is compared to this old fck. I mean she is literally just starting her life out and this loser’s is about to end hahahahahaha.
- Miss Lexi Chase
Princess Amber and Princess Skylar love humiliating losers, especially when it causes the slave so much pain! The two mean girls torment the slave by mixing the pleasure of foot worship with the pain or nipple torment hahahaha.
How pathetic is it for a loser to endure such pain and humiliation all for its love of perfect American feet! hahahahaha
- Miss Lexi Chase
Sometimes the slaves get beat so badly that they get brain damage and FORGET their place beneath us. A super rare occasion, but this particulary slave has like a brain aneurysm or degenerative disease and lashed out at Princess Alexandria which is 100% UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!
Needless to say this idiot was punished, made to apologize, and then punished AGAIN.... and again.
Typically when slaves travel to the Mean Girl Manor, they are locked up in chastity and put to work RIGHT away! Time is money, and we don’t like to waste. This slave had made a SUPER long trip to make it here and apparently was STARVING! LOL (as if we fcking care) But Princess Skylar and I just cant help but to humiliate betas ANY opportunity that we get.
We had some grapes that we were gonna throw out anyways, cause we prefer them to be fresh but then we thought “why not give our garbage to this loser?”. Sure, we were being generous about giving it our scraps, but we are NOT nice girls lol. Instead of allowing it to eat our trash as is…. We find it much more humiliating for us to STEP ON IT and it can eat the trash off our feet! Hahahahaha.
Princess Skylar and I drop grapes on the ground and squish them between our toes then laughing as the loser eats it off our pretty feet. It honestly shows how pathetic this slave is to literally eat smashed food off our feet and the dirty gross floor! hahahahahaha. We even took pictures and videos to show our girlfriends, cause they probably wouldn’t believe that a loser would stoop so low! LOL Anything to be in the presence of a hot MEAN Girl!
- Princess Amber
This loser had written in to serve us and said it needed a mask (GROSS!) Like we really dislike slaves that need masks, especially when they CANT take much pain. However, this beta had ONE thing going for it… it knew that because it couldn’t do as much as we would have liked, it had to PAY $$$! So at the very least, we get to humiliate this loser and make money off of it, which is all we care about.
This loser had witnessed what a TERRIBLE slave looks like and therefore took it upon itself to do BETTER! Because it was more prepared and obedient, we allowed this freak to worship our feet! (A PRIVILEGE for betas!).
- Princess Amber
Princess Alex and myself just got down filming content upstairs when we noticed a fcking BURGLAR sneaking around the Mean Girl Manor! Furious with this lunatic, Alex and I put this freak in handcuffs and retrain him while we look to see what it was trying to steal. We literally couldn’t believe that this LOSER would try and steal from The Mean Girls (hahaha what a big fcking mistake!)
Since this beta had the AUDACITY to break into our home, I figured the only way to get justice was with corporal punishment ( while filming it for content of course!)
Princess Alex holds this beta still while I fill its whore mouth with my big fat dildo. This burglar STRUGGLES to take the WHOLE dildo, but I obviously dont care and proceed to fill it with every thrust. Its so funny that this idiot chose THIS MANOR of all places to break in and rob… if only it knew what types of hot girls were living inside. Big mistake…. HUGE!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA
- Princess Skylar
Goddess Venus is still learning about all the different ways she can use beta males for cash and she recently heard that the “spit fetish” is totally trending right now. So she calls over one of the house betas and tells it how lucky it is to be used and spit on by her while making her lots of money. Hahahaha Goddess Venus literally spits on and humiliates this little loser, and it has to THANK her for it.
Because like, even something as degrading as getting spit on is a PRIVILEGE when done by a hot pretty girl… DUHHHHH! And so what if it happens to be cold and windy outside while the beta is getting DRENCHED in HOT GIRL SPIT!!! no simp would wanna miss an opportunity like this one!
- Princess Amber
Pincess Skylar is getting ready to go out with her girlfriends. Just like every night, one of the house slaves is helping her get ready. This particular loser has been BEGGING to go out and be :one of the girls" LMAO Its honestly fcking hilarious that it THINKS it could actually "hang". Apparently Princess Skylar had told this loser before that if it got ALL of its chores done that she woul allow it to go out with her, and it was determined to make that happen TONIGHT!
Princess Sklar laughs but agrees to take this thing out with her on ONE condition: She gets to give it a TOTAL MAKEOVER! Thats right, if it wants to hang with the girls then its gotta "look" like one hahahaha.
Skylar tries her best to make this thing look somewhat PRESENTABLE, but like this thing is a COMPLETE UGGO! (like she can only do so much without reconstructing its face) With a pound of makeup and a slutty outfit, this BIMBO is gonna turn heads hahahahahaha
Princess Mia and Goddess Reign just finished kicking this losers balls with their BARE FEET, and now they want them licked clean! The command the broken balled beta to lick their feet in the EXACT spots where their feet smashed its nutz up into its stomach lol. Can you imagine how humiliating that must be????
FIRST, it gets its balls kicked in (yelling in agony) THEN it has to lick the bits of its balls that stuck to their perfect princess feet LOL. I bet it always wanted its “balls licked” but didn’t have this in mind HAHAHAHA. But thats the life of a gross pathetic beta…. Constantly being beat up and humiliated by the girls of its dreams. And the girls of its dreams just happens to be FOREVER out of its league and doesn’t give a fuck about it.
At some point Princess Mia is shoving her foot aggressively into the slaves mouth that her toenails actually cut it open LOL. It was super annoying cause we had to cut the clip since the cc companies are super annoying about seeing red stuff. But we made the slave suck all the “unspeakable fluids” off of her feet and laughed about how it got injured just by licking a pretty girls toes hahahahaha.
- Princess Amber
This beta bitch has been trying to prove itself worthy enough to become one of our “regular” slaves. Its always doing everything it can to be useful and offers up its body for our profit and entertainment. This particular loser has been studying our clips and has begged for the opportunity to serve Goddess Draya.
She was actually gonna be at the Manor but then one of her pay pigs told her he would pay for her and her alpha to go on vacation. So like why would bother to hang out and torment slaves when she can literally do that at any time! This slave was SUPER excited to prove itself for Draya that it even brought its humbler to present its balls to her… unfortunately for this loser, I got to be the one to DESTROY them hahahaha (and NO, I didn’t hold back!)
I like to torment losers mentally AND physically, which totally fucks them up in ways they couldn’t even imagine! I use my crop to smack its bulging nut sack. It really doesn’t take much to inflict pain on a slave in this device… but why not make this loser even humbler by going ALL OUT on its balls! Hahahaha
- Princess Amber
Princess Alex has always been the mean girl in school (that’s how we became friends in the first place LOL). Verbally humiliating losers and lesser beings, she learned early on that she could be AS MEAN AS POSSIBLE and never ‘get in trouble’ for her actions (Like ZERO repercussions) hahaha. Alex never had to “think before speaking”, she would literally just say whatever was on her mind, and NO ONE could do anything about it! A perk for being so hot.
Princess Alex had gotten so much joy from verbally wrecking the WEAK & PATHETIC that she actually would GET OFF ON IT. Mhmmmm! The pain and humiliation that she puts losers through brings her to ACTUAL ORGASM!!! So you can only imagine the pleasures she got from having THREE LOSERS to mentally torment, and bring to literal tears! Hahahahaha Every insult that she spits at them gets her that much closer to climax… and I see NO REASON why she shouldn’t get as much pleasure as possible! LOL
- Princess Skylar
Princess Skylar sits outside smoking her vape, which happens to make her spit! Its like this urge she cannot refuse, and continuously spits in the loser's face!
Goddess Reign is obsessed with being young, HOT, and SO POWERFUL! Basically every girls dream, but Goddess Reign has it all at 18 years of age! (Can you imagine how degrading that must be for this old ass dummy?) Reign BRAGS about how young and HOT she is, compared to this old loser! She makes sure to tell it EXACTLY what she thinks about its disgusting old loser body! Goddess Reign decides to REALLY let this loser have it, but literally STEPPING on its gross beta body.
Reign laughs as she bounces on its chest! its hilarious how little she cares about this loser, so long as she is having fun and draining its bank account! I walk in looking for Goddess Reign since we’re supposed to leave on our double date. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to trample this ugly fck, so I make the uber drive wait just a LITTLE longer as I stand FULL weight on its face… I’m sure our driver will understand lol
- Princess Amber
It’s Mia’s birthday and the Mean Girls wanted to do something fun for her before they all went out and partied on their beta’s dimes. Princess Amber, Princess Skylar and Goddess Reign surprise Princess Mia with a room full of betas and boxing gloves. They explain that Mia hasn’t gotten any birthday punches, and its tradition for the birthday girl to punch losers on her birthday. Princess Amber runs camera and talks from behind while the slaves sing happy birthday to Princess Mia… and she just happens to be punching them as hard as she can while they do it hahah.
Princess Skylar and Goddess Reign hold the losers in place while they get punched over and over again. Princess Mia is literally having so much fun punching these losers that she doesn’t even realize how sweaty she’s getting hahaha. She decides to take a break and cool off so she won’t have to change her outfit. But being the generous princess that she is, Princess Mia tells Princess Skylar and Goddess Reign that they can get some punches in too (Mia wants a show!) so the girls let the betas out of chastity and punch them in the balls SUPER hard.
Princess Mia sits on the throne LAUGHING as all the losers yell in agony. What better way to start the birthday celebrations than Mean Girl style!
- Goddess Draya